Let’s be honest, who doesn’t enjoy snacking? Sometimes our lives are so busy that it is easier to grab a quick snack while on the run. We all tend to lean towards the convenient snacks rather than ones that may require a bit of preparation.

In order to maintain strong teeth for your lifetime, you have to ensure you are choosing the right types of foods. You want to make sure that you have lots of whole grain breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables and lean meats. Below are a few healthy snack options that may help you while you are on the run:

• Nuts and seeds
• Peanut butter
• Cheese
• Plain yogurt
• Popcorn

We also need to consider the beverages that we consume and the effects they may have on our dental health. Some of the drinks that we consume may contribute to acid erosion. Acid erosion happens when food or drinks with a low PH level (more acid) are consumed. The acid can then linger in your mouth which takes the minerals away and causes the surface of your teeth to soften. Once the surface of your teeth has softened they become more susceptible to damage and often leads to increased sensitivity and may require treatment. The best beverages to avoid are soft drinks, orange juice and lemonade. Below are some helpful nutrition tips to consider:

• Try to avoid acidic food and drink between meals; there isn’t as much saliva in your mouth at these times to protect your teeth
• Don’t clean your teeth right after eating. If you brush while the acid is still in your mouth you are removing some of your teeth’s surface. If you wait about an hour the saliva will help your teeth battle the acid, so it is safe to brush
• Try to finish your breakfast, lunch or dinner with a little cheese or milk as these products help cut down on the acid in your mouth.

The Secret About When to Consume Sweets

It’s not about the amount of sweets that we consume, its about the time a day that we consume them. It is best to consume sweets at a mealtime rather than in between meals because the amount of saliva produced at mealtimes will help protect your teeth.
If you tend to have a sweet tooth and cannot avoid sweets between meals, try to avoid sticky sweets like toffee or hard candy.

Reference article: https://www.youroralhealth.ca/healthy-snacks68